Bye-bye Frödingsvägen PartyLonga
Evenemang av Tangoacademy.se
Längd: 3 h 30 min
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Our Sunday practica turns into a bubbly T A N G O P A R T Y to honor our home of almost 3 years, our studio on Frödingsvägen 9! We are soon to leave our studio and therefore want to invite all of you, our tango friends and students, to dance one last time with us on Frödingsvägen 9! Let’s break the dancefloor! (metaphorically

As always, and for one last time on this location: great floor, friendly environment, good music, fika and drinks!
Price 100 kr
Address: Frodingsvagen 9
T-bana: Kristineberg
T-bana: Kristineberg
Registration on: https://fyestudios.simplybook.it/v2/#book/provider/17
Warm welcome!
Giorgio & Marina
Giorgio & Marina